When presenting your home to buyers
First impressions are crucial
First impressions start when potentiel buyers see your photos and videos on Internet, so it´s crucial, that photos and videos attract buyers. Your home deserves to be well representet.
Buyers begin judging your home the moment they see it and, unless they are looking for a house to renovate, they prefer homes that are well maintained, clean and clutter free. That is why home improvements, particularly if they address the anticipated needs of buyers, can boost your home’s sale ability and sale price.
Depending on your home’s condition, there are three kinds of improvements that will impress buyers and help you sell for top market value: renovations, upgrades and repairs, reorganization and maintenance. Along these lines, what follows are a few proven, cost-effective ideas that will help your home look its best so you get top market value.
Bear in mind, an experienced Realtor like Hansen Imóveis knows what today is discerning buyers are looking for and can provide more ideas that will maximize your home’s appeal. Sometimes a small investment in time and money can give you a big edge over your competition and generate a faster sale at a higher price.