Carla Hansen
Carla Hansen is a native and lifelong resident of Salvador area. She has working several years in retail sales. Carla truly enjoys working with people. Her soft sell approach to real estate marketing focuses on listening carefully to what buyers and sellers really want, then conscientiously working to meet their needs. She genuinely cares for her clients and practices an exceptional “hands on” style.
Whether they are new or repeat clients, she speaks with them regularly and follows up on every detail. Carla strongly believes decisions about buying and selling homes are among the most important that individuals make in their lifetimes and they must be handled in the utmost professional manner. She chose the real estate profession because she feels most rewarded when she has successfully assisted her clients in making those decisions.
Please feel free to contact me.
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 5% Busca Vida
- 11% Camaçari
- 5% Encontro das Águas
- 5% Entre Rios
- 5% Estrada do Coco
- 11% Ipitanga
- 5% Itacimirim
- 32% Lauro de Freitas
- 5% Lauro de Freitas Centro
- 11% Piatã
- 5% Porto de Sauípe
- 21% Salvador
- 5% Vila Laura
- 5% Vilas do Atlântico
- 5% Vitória
Property Type
- 26% Apartment
- 37% Condominium
- 11% Family Home
- 5% Front beach house
- 5% Lot / Land
- 32% Luxury Home
Property Status
- 63% For sale
- 5% On Rent
- 32% Sold